Jia Zhao is a Chinese-Dutch film producer based in Amsterdam. She founded
SILK ROAD FILM SALON in 2012. The latter is cofounded with Afghan-Dutch film director Aboozar Amini and has as primary focus on regions along the ancient trade route Silk Road. Jia is fluent in Chinese, Japanese, English and Dutch. Coming from Asia and based in Europe, Jia skilfully matches resources from the East and West to nurture and mentor emerging voices and to bring authentic stories to the world in high cinematic quality. In 2021,
A Marble Travelogue by Sean Wang is selected for IDFA Frontlight and
I’m So Sorry (co-producer) by Zhao Liang for Cannes film festival. From 2015 to 2019 her works
Mr. Hu and the Temple, Fallen Flowers Thick Leaves, Lady of the Harbour, Kabul, City in the Wind, Smog Town (co-producer) have been shortlisted for IDFA Competition section for five times in a row, with
Kabul, City in the Wind being the opening film for IDFA 2018, and awarded Special Jury Award for First Appearance Competition. In 2019,
Inner Landscape was chosen as the closing film for IFFR2019. Her work
The Crow Is Beautiful (co-director) was selected for IDFA 2017 Masters. Since 2022 Jia is also the artistic director of
Cinemasia, the Asian film festival in Amsterdam.
赵佳 (祖籍成都)是荷兰籍华人国际制片人/导演/发行商,早年就读于上海同济大学。日本九州大学硕士毕业后,到荷兰深造生理学博士和绘画,精通英日荷等多种语言。任职近十年跨国公司高管之后,2012年赵佳在荷兰阿姆斯特丹创办MUYI FILM,同年也与阿富汗荷兰籍阿富汗导演Aboozar Amini 共同创立SILK ROAD FILM SALON (中译:丝路影视沙龙)。2015 至2019 年间制片的纪录片《胡先生和庙》、《落下花长满叶》、《芳舟》、《喀布尔风中之城》和《遥望繁星》(联合制片)五次连续获奖于如被誉为“纪录片奥斯卡”的荷兰阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片电影节IDFA 竞赛单元。《喀布尔风中之城》被选定为IDFA2018 开幕片,并获评委会特别奖,之后也得奖无数。2019年入围中国海南国际电影节纪录片竞赛单元,并且在广州国际纪录片节(GZDocs)上荣获评委会特别奖和四项提名。2021年制片的《石史诗》入围IDFA2021,《无去来处》(联合制片)入围2021戛纳电影节特别展映。2017年11月德国国家台ZDF Enterprises100%控股的荷兰纪录片发行制作公司Off the Fence签约赵佳为亚洲业务总监,开发和拓宽以东亚为中心的纪录片的国际制作和发行销售等国际业务。2022年赵佳出任阿姆斯特丹亚洲电影节Cinemasia艺术总监。